Certificate in Creativity and Innovation

因为组织必须创新才能在当今竞争激烈的市场中生存, 组织需要能够将自己的创造力和创新引向组织挑战和目标的员工.

在本课程中,您将获得一套工具,使您能够利用您的创造力来识别和解决组织问题. One activity asks you how you might look at a problem from a different angle to produce a more creative result; others walk you through the process of using analogies or replacement techniques to invent creative solutions to problems.

每次3 - 5小时, self-paced course offers an assortment of interactive exercises, 视频, 选择阅读, 案例研究, 自我评估会吸引你,并帮助你在工作场所应用你新发现的创造力.

成功完成本证书课程的所有课程, you can download and print a Certificate of Completion.

Courses included in this certificate program are listed below.


本课程是为有兴趣提高个人创造力的成人学习者设计的, 并学习想象力的力量,同时将其应用于现实世界的场景.

注意: PEWD program participants should be 18 years or older.

No prerequisites required.

  • ★ Expert Supported
  • ★访问
  • ★游戏 & 抽认卡
  • ★ Real-world 案例研究
  • ★移动
  • ★ Badge and credit-awarding
  • ★视频内容
  • ★ Audio-enabled in-app

This course has an "问专家" feature, 将你的问题直接提交给你所研究领域的专家. 问题会尽快得到回答,通常在24小时内.

学习者必须达到平均考试成绩至少70%才能达到最低成功完成要求,并有资格获得IACET CEU学分. Learners will have three attempts at all graded assessments.

Courses included in this Suite:

课程费用: $ 79
持续时间: 5个小时
PDUs/Contact 小时: 5 | ceu: .5
访问时间: 90天 招收

Spurring creativity in teams can be very challenging, 但也可能是一个成功的团队和一个不成功的团队之间的区别. 本课程着眼于在团队和组织中激发创造力和创新. 借鉴最新的学术思想,它概述了创造性团队的关键因素. 进一步, 本课程侧重于在集体环境中产生更富有成效的思维的工具和技术. Participants learn about a number of targeted tools, including brainstorming, 讨论66年, 挑衅, 和其他人, 在较小的群体环境和组织中产生新的思维.

Learning Outcomes:
• Explain the connection between creativity and innovation
• Outline the five factors for creative teams
• Use team creative tools such as brainstorming, 讨论66年, anonymous idea generation, 和展望
• Explain the importance of diversity in team creativity
• Describe techniques for prototyping new ideas

课程费用: $ 79
持续时间: 3个小时
PDUs/Contact 小时: 3 | ceu: .3
访问时间: 90天 招收

创新可以决定一个组织赢得和留住客户的能力,也可以决定组织的成败. 本课程着眼于企业和公共部门的创新. It reviews the latest academic thinking on innovation, 包括克雷·克里斯滕森关于颠覆性技术的开创性思考,以及对颠覆性技术的正确回应. 进一步, 它探讨了对创造力需求的一些内在反应, including idea champions, 想法孵化器, new venture teams and skunk works, and the process of moving from innovation to commercialization. 本课程还涵盖了一些更成功的企业创新者,作为说明大型组织中有效创新原则的一种方式.

Learning Outcomes:
• Outline the key factors for an innovative organization
• Discuss the barriers to innovation
• Describe internal innovation tools such as idea champions, 想法孵化器, new venture teams and skunk works
• Explain the process of moving from idea to commercialization
• Discuss the issues surrounding innovation in the public sector

课程费用: $ 95
持续时间: 7个小时
PDUs/Contact 小时: 7 | ceu: .7
访问时间: 90天 招收

在大多数工作中,发表有效演讲的能力是至关重要的. This introductory-level course helps learners organize, 结构, 并创建有效的演示文稿,以幻灯片作为视觉辅助. 因为许多组织使用ppt作为沟通信息的一种方式, 本课程就如何最有效、最具说服力地使用ppt提供建议和指导, including best practices on word count, 图形, 和结构.

Learning Outcomes:
• Recognize what makes communication effective
• Understand the elements in the communications process
• Organize your communications and presentations
• Understand PowerPoint graphic rules of thumb
• Create an effective summary slide
• Understand how to organize and create PowerPoint presentations
• Revise PowerPoint slides to make them more effective
• Understand the success factors for face-to-face presentations

课程费用: $ 79
持续时间: 3个小时
PDUs/Contact 小时: 3 | ceu: .3
访问时间: 90天 招收

Confidence is key to delivering an effective speech or presentation. This two-module course, Effective Public Speaking, 帮助你发展技能,你需要成为一个杰出的和自信的公众演说家. 它通过游戏、互动练习和视频回顾了公众演讲的七个阶段. 本课程中的工具和技巧可以确保你在任何情况下都能表现出色, from the start of your speech or presentation to its successful end.

Learning Outcomes:
• Describe the seven stages of giving a speech or presentation
• Recognize the need to consider your audience (Stage Two)
• Describe how to develop your central message (Stage Three)
• Discuss how to craft your speech (Stage Five)
• Explain how to rehearse for your speech (Stage Six)
• Describe techniques for delivering your speech (Stage Seven)
• Describe key techniques for dealing with speech anxiety
• Discuss how to handle difficult questions
• Describe effective responses when things go wrong

在线 Suite Information

PDUs/Contact 小时:
18 | ceu: 1.8



在线 Self-Paced


$ 249

* 对于个人课程注册,请转到下面的套件课程部分.

Students requiring accommodation should contact our office pewd@fuseterminal.com to learn about the process.


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